Urgent Call for Healthy Donors as NYC Blood Supply Drops to Dangerously Low Levels
This week, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio brought up an emergency dealing whereas the available blood supply is concerned. The same alert can be found within the New York Blood Center (NYBC) website. That is, a major shortage in the amount of blood available for surgeries and other scenarios.
There are at least several blood donor centers to be found within New York City with others just beyond our borders. A search from within their scheduling page reveals, based upon the zip code you enter, quite a number of mobile drives spots.
From the official site:
“” As regions prepare to reopen, the need for blood has rebounded to pre-COVID-19 levels, but the blood supply is dangerously low. Donors can call 1-800-933-2566 or schedule an appointment online now.””
“” NYBC has officially declared a blood emergency because supplies have dropped below required minimums, even for the seasonally low summer months. While we seek to always maintain a 7-9 day supply, our local blood supply has reached a critically low level. We are encouraging people of all blood types to come donate and there is an especially critical need for O negative and B negative blood types.””

Mayor de Blasio:
“… we need you to help protect everyone in this city because everyone in this city who is able to give blood can give blood and make such a big difference. And right now, we have a challenge with our blood supply … And so many New Yorkers are saying in this crisis, what can I do, how can I help? One thing you can definitely do, one thing that will help for sure, is to give blood in this moment of crisis. What we know happened here is that traditionally in a regular year where people gather together, companies and organizations, there’s blood drives, that adds up to a lot. We do them at City agencies, too. But this year for the last few months, blood drives have been disrupted. It’s now having a real impact on our blood supply. We need to make a comeback quickly. So, the New York City Blood Center now has only a few days’ supply. We need to make sure that we strengthen that supply. That supply of blood helps all our hospitals, they’re not in a position to resupply them until they get more blood from people’s donations. Each hospital has some blood on hand as they need it for emergencies … But unless we have a bigger supply of blood some surgeries cannot move forward. Obviously, things that are immediate and lifesaving will, but others can’t until there’s more of a blood supply.”