Mayor de Blasio Extends Executive Order 148 and Announces Alternate Celebrations for Signature Events
In a Nutshell: Executive Order 145, issued in early September basically declared that street fairs and other events which would take up anything greater than one street block would not be allowed a permit until September 30. This newest Order mandates an extension of that rule to the end of the year. This means, as well, that there’ll be no holiday fairs or markets which take place along streets and city space.
We reported recently, based upon our questions to the Mayor last week, that there was still a possibility of Holiday Markets taking place since he did not outright strike down idea. We figured this might’ve put any questions to rest. Yet, something such as the Holiday Markets within Bryant Park and Union Square Park take place within the parks themselves. You’ll see below that which would not be allowed a permit whereas parks are concerned. We’ve marked the related item in red and bold.
For clarity, we’re including below the portion of the Executive Order which details that which would be disallowed a permit:
- 1. In a location that would consist of more than 1 block of anv street or the equivalent of more than I block of aplaza;
- ln a location that infringes upon or conflicts with the flow of traffic in the surrounding arcaor the recreational use of any part of a street opened to pedestrians and cyclists pursuant to the Department of Transportation’s Open Streets program, as indicated on the Department’s website;
- In a location that would include any space that has an existing permit for the use of that space or has been authorized for use by a restaurant participating in the Department of Transportation’s Open Restaurants program as indicated on the NYC Open Restaurants map and dashboard at;
- In a park, where the proposed activity would prevent members of the public from the reasonable simultaneous use of all or part of the park for recreational purposes or would require the authorization of vehicles in the park;
- For a street fair, as defined in 50 RCNY $ l-01;
- For a use of a sound device permit when the event would include a stage or video
screens; or - For a parade or procession with a float, vehicle, bicycle or other device moved by human power or ridden or herded animals, other than as required to provide a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the New York State Human Rights Law, or the New York City Human Rights Law.
Following is the press release issued by the Mayor’s Office today:
NEW YORK—Mayor de Blasio today extended Executive Order 148, which sets limitations on event permits through December 31, 2020. The Executive Order limits the types of outdoor events permitted by the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Police Department, and the Street Activity Permit Office in order to minimize crowding, facilitate COVID testing and treatment sites, and to allow for use of streets and parks for recreation, learning and dining. Currently, there are over 475 outdoor learning sites in city parks and streets, in addition to 10,200 Open Restaurants and 79 miles of Open Streets.
“Beating back COVID-19 means staying smart about public events with large gatherings. It also means drawing on our city’s greatest resource: our resilience and creativity,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “New Yorkers are rising to the occasion with inventive, inspirational uses of public space, and we’ll support every effort to safely keep New York City the greatest and most vibrant city in the world.”
“From surprise musical performances on a pickup truck, to races staggered through the course of a day, our communities are finding ways to come together safely to celebrate, commemorate, and draw attention to causes they hold dear,” said Ellyn Canfield, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Citywide Event Coordination and Management. “The City will work with every applicant to produce memorable events that keep New Yorkers safe.”
Safe, creative arrangements will be made for community celebrations, performances, and activations to continue in the city. Planned events include alternate celebrations for signature events, including the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and New Year’s Eve in Times Square, in addition to a spooky walk through the West Village for Halloween, and ceremonial motorcycle procession for Veteran’s Day, among other virtual and socially distanced in-person activities.
Recent events permitted by Department of Parks and Recreation and the Street Activity Permit Office include dozens of pop-up music performances by the Philharmonic, a staggered run with NYC Runs, and a musical press conference in Times Square with Arts Hero in addition to hundreds of block parties, athletic events, religious events, health fairs, and cultural performances.