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** New Yorkled Magazine **

Home Events - New Yorkled Magazine Cultural Event Free Event Health / Sports Seasonal Event Summer Streets Traffic Free Streets Returns to New York City this Summer!
Aug 20 2022

NYC Summer Streets Car Free Streets Returns for Three Saturdays in August

Saturdays, August 6, 13, 20, 2022
7:00 am – 1:00 pm

Back this year is Summer Streets wherein the vehicular from uptown to down along Park avenue is closed off to traffic so that folks strolling, running, biking, skating or heck, meandering along can safely travel from one end to the other.

It’s also a chance for photography enthusiasts like us to get on out there with camera in hand to get shots one might not normally be able to shoot. A fave of yours truly is walking through the tunnel and path leading one around Grand Central Terminal and underneath the adjoining hotel. That’s not something one normally gets to take in on bike, skates or foot. Least of all at one’s own pace.

The route this year will begin as high up north as 109th Street and Park Avenue. We’re not sure if it’s ever begun that high up before. It then heads all the way down to 14th Street where it turns down 4th Avenue to Astor Place and continues southward along Lafayette Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. Along the way there are rest stops with activities to be found here and there.

Mind you, according to the official page, Citi Bike will be offering free unlimited 30 minute rides on a classic Citi Bike. Not sure entirely how that’ll work but sounds like a great deal. They say you should use the code “SUMMER22” in the Citi Bike app to get this offer.


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