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** New Yorkled Magazine **

Oct 02 2022

The Medieval Festival is Back After a 2-Year Hiatus!

Camelot Returns to Manhattan!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Medieval Festival Fort Tryon Park

Rub the rust off thy armor, iron thy chain mail, gird thy loins and polish up on ye chivalry because the 36th

Annual MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL AT FORT TRYON PARK will be held on SUNDAY, October 2, 2022

from 11:30AM – 6PM!  The annual event is one of the largest and longest running events in NYC!  It is sponsored by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation and the Washington Heights & Inwood Development Corporation, a not-for-profit organization serving Upper Manhattan since 1978.

Admission is Free!   Expected Attendance: 60,000-70,000

The festival is a unique chance to experience the Medieval period in the most authentic setting this side of the Atlantic.  The area around the Cloisters Museum in Fort Tryon Park is transformed into a medieval market village where knights in armor, jugglers, jesters, magicians, musicians, storytellers, and puppeteers will perform.  A blacksmith, manuscript illuminator, pottery decorator, wood carver and other artisans will demonstrate their crafts.  Performers and fairgoers dress in historical costumes.  Medieval food is available and craft items will be sold. The afternoon culminates with a jousting event between knights on horseback!

Fort Tryon Park is located in Upper Manhattan, north of the George Washington  Bridge. Visitors are urged to take public transportation – there is no public parking at the festival.  The public is urged to take either the “A” train to the 190th Street Station or the M4 bus to Margaret Corbin Circle 190th Street – either one takes you to the park entrance.


Due to security concerns, the NYC Police Department has asked all festival attendees to forgo weapons as part of their costumes.  Weapons will be confiscated at entry and large bags will be searched.

New Yorkled’s been a fan of this event for many years. Below you’ll find a quick photo gallery filled with shots taken during one of our visits a long time ago. Hoping to make it there this year.

The event is finished.

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