- Sep 08 - 11 2022
- Expired!
Clio Art Fair 2022
September 8 – 11, 2022
550 West 29th Street
Understanding the need for independent artists to self promote, Clio Art Fair provides an ever expanding access to the NY curatorial and art market scene.
Clio Art Fair, in its 8 years existence, is earnestly working to carry out its mission: empowering independent artists, allowing them to make their voices heard, and helping them to become aware of their own creativity, as well as commercial potential. Clio Art Fair was born with the particular ambition to offer twice a year a professional international group show made up of artists who do not have an exclusive representation with any NY.
The art fair project, born on the fifth floor of the Wolf Building in Chelsea in 2014, has outgrown its original digs in Chelsea, and graduated to a street level space, beginning from the March 2018 edition. This move, as expected, is helping to guarantee greater exposure, more visitors, higher percentage of sales, and basically, more of everything than the first editions. For the last three years, Clio moved into a contemporary luxury building at 550 W 29th street, in Chelsea.
Clio Art Fair was born to challenge traditional art market methodologies. The primary goal is to create a space for direct dialogue between artists and collectors, artists and curators without the presence of any long-term mediator. The fair focuses on valorizing artworks while respecting and highlighting their role within the architectural spaces they inhabit. Adding to the innovative nature of our vision, Clio is the first art fair to accept the primary crypto-values as a form of payment: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, since 2017.
Alessandro Berni, Founder
CLIO ART FAIR September 8-11, 2022 presents a special section dedicated to the human being – screen society relationship:
Maybe I am Your Mother Who is generating Who?
Curated by Asya Rotella
Selected Artists:
Erika Ehrman, Formento & Formento, Jay Martin, Vikki Michalios,
Robert Obier, Jason Piken, Carmine Santaniello, Denny Theocharakis
For generations we have been raised being convinced of the fact that the human being is at the core of history, but is it actually so? If it is, for how much longer will it be this way? Is it reasonable to suggest that it is technology which is at the core of history, with the human being as its mere extension and appendix?
Is the weight of technology and screens, in particular, that are really lacerating everything, forcing itself on any secular educational system such as family, school, religion, politics, and traditional media?
Is it reasonable to start considering every human being not as a parent anymore, but rather as a son of the screens he indulges with? If it is still, for now, flesh which generates flesh, who and how many are the parents that let the growth of a new generation be reflected within a multitude of screens? This generation was formed within a context of bombarding calls and the hectic run for a glimmer of an exterior life to be consumed and shown-off rather than an interior life to be nourished?
Where were we? Where will our heritage be in the midst of this which might be happening or which has perhaps already happened?
Will it be a system of artificial intelligence or rather a symposium of humanists to bring us relief if not answers to these questions?
Thursday, September 8
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm:
VIP Opening Reception (Tickets $ 55.00)
Friday, September 9
Noon – 8:00 pm: Public viewing
(FREE Entry)
Saturday, September 10
Noon – 2:00 pm:
Art Lovers Networking Brunch (Tickets $ 35.00)
2:00 pm – 8:00 pm:
General admissions (Tickets $ 20.00 – $ 10.00)
Sunday, September 11
Noon – 2:00 pm:
Art Lovers Networking Brunch (Tickets $ 35.00)
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm:
General admissions (Tickets $ 20.00 – $ 10.00)
VIP Opening Reception : Tickets $ 55.00
Art Lovers Networking Brunch: Ticket $ 35.00
General admission: Tickets $ 20.00
Student / Senior : Tickets $ 10.00
Clio Art Fair September 8-11, 2022 is including 50 Independent Artists:
Chan, Young
Channell Art Collective Cohen, Santiago de Martino, Yanina
Ekberg, Emil
Jamieson, Alexandra
Kowalewski, Solange
Novac, Nicolae
Pkc, Anand
Rabiner, Toby
Radel-Leszczynski, Ursula
Santaniello, Carmine Shelly, Barbara Theocharakis, Denny