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New York
Monday, February 10, 2025

** New Yorkled Magazine **

Oct 23 2022

54th Boerum Hill House Tour Returns

Sunday, October 23
1:00 – 5:00 pm

This self-guided tour celebrates brownstone homes, traditional and modern, along with several community spaces

Five residences, two community facilities, one hotel and a church will be featured on this year’s tour.

The biennial House Tour is a fundraiser for the Boeurm Hill Association that in 2020 was postponed due to Covid. Now we are ready to open the doors and welcome visitors. Unless otherwise posted, masks will be required.

Beginning Sunday, October 9th advance tickets can be purchased for $25 at Exit 9*, 127 Smith Street, Gumbo, 493 Atlantic Avenue and Sterling Place, 363 Atlantic Avenue or by going to www.boerumhillassociation.org using the donate button. Make sure to add “House Tour” to your purchase. Payments can be made with a PayPal account or any credit card. Advance ticket buyers will need to check in at the Belarusian Church at 12:30 pm.

Tickets are $30 the day of the tour which begins and ends at the Belarusian Church, 401 Atlantic Avenue (corner of Bond Street, near the A, C, 2 and 3 train in Downtown). For more information, call 718-625-4073 or go to www.boerumhillassociation.org.

Proceeds benefit the work of the Boerum Hill Association. (This event takes place rain or shine; no backpacks or photography or children in strollers please).

*Exit 9 is offering a small gift when you come in.

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