- Feb 25 2024
- Expired!
26th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade & Festival
Celebrating the Year of the Dragon
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Begins at 1:00 pm and likely to last to about 3:00 pm
Parade route: Mott/Canal Street, and will head towards the Bowery, up East Broadway, down Eldridge Street, and end around Grand Street. Festival Booths on Bayard St. between Mott St and Mulberry St.
Details regarding the festival and related booths to come in the future.
The last time we attended this celebration and parade was in early 2020. It was quite the experience for us on such a cold yet gorgeous afternoon. One of the unique attributes of this parade is how it winds through the very narrow streets of Chinatown. Something which lends a more cozy feel to the procession itself. Folks huddling along the sidewalks as the marchers, floats and performers advance along the route.
Yet, it’s this very trait that brings COVID to mind. Our last attendance took place just prior to the beginnings of the last health scare. We’ve come a long way since then and yet, health concerns continue.
It’s with that in mind that we feel it important to implore upon folks the need to still stay safe by bringing along your masks. As with any parade, if attending, you can find yourself deeply embedded within a throng of onlookers; elbow to elbow and surrounded by others all around.
With that, be well and here’s to enjoying this festive celebration!
Here’s our video coverage of the Chinese Lunar New Year Parade in 2020