Home Events - New Yorkled Magazine Cultural Event Free Event Fund Raiser Event Seasonal Event 2023 Polar Bear Plunge at NYC’s Coney Island in Brooklyn
- Jan 01 2023
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2023 Polar Bear Plunge at Coney Island
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Coney Island Beach
Free to participate but donations are welcomed with gifts for those who give.
Many will be on hand for the 120th Coney Island Polar Bear Club New Year’s Day Plunge; taking place at Brooklyn’s southernmost point in New York City. Have you got what it takes to join in? If not then don’t fret since there’ll be plenty of folks participating in what would be considered a huge fright for most. That is, heading on into the Cold Winter Waters. But who knows? Maybe the temps will be unseasonably warm? Actually, on January 1, 2019 the temperature rose to as high as 60 °F with half the day in the 50s. So, we’ll see.
Anyhow, should be you be interested then head on over to the official page where you’ll get all the necessary details! In the meantime, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
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