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** New Yorkled Magazine **

HomeCoronavirusNY Governor Cuomo Announces Updated COVID-19 Micro-Cluster Focus Zones

NY Governor Cuomo Announces Updated COVID-19 Micro-Cluster Focus Zones


Based on Progress Controlling COVID Spread, Brooklyn Red Zone will Transition to Orange Warning Zone 

New Yellow Precautionary Zones in Erie, Monroe and Onondaga Counties 

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced updated COVID-19 micro-cluster focus areas in New York State. Based on data metrics including testing results and hospitalization rates, Brooklyn’s red zone will transition to an orange warning zone. The Governor also announced new yellow precautionary zone focus areas in Erie, Monroe and Onondaga Counties.

“COVID is surging across the country and the globe, and we expect the rates will continue to go up through the fall and into the winter,” Governor Cuomo said. “The long-term prognosis is get a vaccine as quickly as possible, and administer the vaccine as quickly, fairly and equitably as possible. In the meantime, we manage the increase by doing more testing and targeted restrictions where necessary, and being more aggressive on enforcement. I know people are tired – COVID fatigue is real. But the virus isn’t tired. The red, orange and yellow zones are our way of saying the virus is making headway and we’re going to increase restrictions and we’re going to increase enforcement. When we see a small increase, we attack that small increase – and the numbers show it works. If we stay smart and disciplined, we can manage this – but it will take all of us being New York Tough.”

Modifications to Current Focus Zones

Brooklyn – Red Zone Changes to Orange Warning Zone

Last week, Brooklyn’s Red Zone was reduced in size by 50 percent based on progress. Metrics demonstrate continued progress controlling COVID spread and the zone will be transitioned to Orange, allowing many businesses to reopen.

New Focus Zones

Erie County – New Yellow Precautionary Zone – Click Here for Map

Over the past ten days, parts of Erie County have had 7-day average positivity rates above 2.5%, and cases per 100,000 and new daily hospital admissions have increased, meeting the metrics for a yellow zone designation.

Monroe County – New Yellow Precautionary Zone – Click Here for Map

Over the past ten days, parts of Monroe County have had 7-day average positivity rates above 3%, and cases per 100,000 and new daily hospital admissions have increased, meeting the metrics for a yellow zone designation.

Onondaga County – New Yellow Zone – Click Here for Map

Over the past ten days, parts of Onondaga County have had 7-day average positivity rates above 3%, and cases per 100,000 and new daily hospital admissions have increased, meeting the metrics for a yellow zone designation.

The Governor reminded New Yorkers yellow zone restrictions include a 25-person maximum capacity on mass gatherings, 4-person to a table maximum while dining and 20 percent weekly testing of in-person students, faculty in schools. Bars and restaurants located in Yellow Precautionary Zones must close at midnight.

The positive testing rate in all focus areas under the state’s micro-cluster strategy is 4.32 percent, and outside the focus zone areas is 2.69 percent. Within the focus areas, 8,899 test results were reported yesterday, yielding 384 positives. In the remainder of the state, not counting these focus areas, 102,517 test results were reported, yielding 2,760 positives. Full results for tests reported yesterday, the day prior, the current 7-day rolling average, and last two weeks is below:

FOCUS ZONE 10/18- 10/24 % Positive 10/25- 10/31 % Positive 11/1- 11/7 % Positive Current 7-day rolling average Day Prior

(11/7) %



(11/8) %


Queens Kew Garden Hills/Forest Hills yellow-zone focus area % positive 2.40% 2.65% 2.96% 3.12% 3.73% 4.14%
Rockland orange-zone focus area % positive 3.65% 4.08% 2.96% 2.77% 2.43% 2.20%
Orange yellow-zone focus area % positive 2.64% 2.37% 1.96% 1.74% 1.47% 0.74%
Broome yellow-zone focus area % positive 6.39% 6.00% 4.13% 4.24% 3.05% 7.27%
Steuben yellow-zone focus area % positive 4.42% 4.99% 3.21% 2.77% 2.44% 0.88%
Chemung orange-zone focus area % positive 8.36% 5.52% 6.45% 5.62% 2.95% 2.11%
Westchester yellow-zone focus area % positive 4.25% 6.23% 7.53% 7.57% 8.33% 8.09%
All focus area statewide % positive 3.58% 3.57% 3.43% 3.47% 3.72% 4.32%
Statewide % positive with all focus areas included 1.31% 1.54% 1.95% 2.07% 2.35% 2.82%
Statewide % positive without all focus areas included 1.06% 1.34% 1.81% 1.94% 2.23% 2.69%


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