Governor Cuomo Announces Malls in New York City Allowed to Reopen with Half Capacity Next Week
Today, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that malls in New York City will be allowed to reopen to the public beginning September 9, 2020.
As with all other indoor venues, face coverings would be mandatory as would be social distancing and other safety measures. Also, no indoor dining or loitering of any kind will be allowed.
Permitted capacity is not to exceed 50%.
In accordance with already mandated NY Health Department regulations they must Have the proper Enhanced Air Filtration, Ventilation & Purification Standards In Place Prior To Opening.
This all comes after weeks of restrictions placed upon New York City due to concerns over a possible COVID-19 rebound – as well as the population density to be found within. Something which the Governor has spoken to numerous times over the past months. Other regions of the state were allowed to reopen malls for their entry into the Phase 4 stage of reopening. NYC had reached that stage on July 20.
“While this pandemic is far from over, our numbers have remained steadily low, so we know our phased, data-driven approach to reopening is the right one,” Governor Cuomo said. “Thanks to the hard work of New Yorkers, we are at a point in our fight against this virus where we can safely reopen malls in New York City as long as they adhere to strict health and safety protocols. Masks, enhanced air ventilation systems, and social distancing will be mandatory. This is good news and the right step forward.”