Macy’s Herald Square Department Store Post-Holiday Photo – January 2019
Macy’s Herald Square’s building, according to Wikipedia and other sources, is America’s largest department store and the second largest in the world. Located at 151 West 34th Street, this gem underwent a renovation spanning several years from 2012 to about 2015. From a photographic urban perspective it’s quite the sight considering how it takes up the full square block there and well, of course, the lighting used to highlight the façade during the dark hours helps to really make the structure stand out. Here on this page is one photo taken by New Yorkled during a recent walk through the area. It’s an interesting thing to consider what and how it all looks after the busy holiday / Christmas season has passed. Absent are the flashy decorations and the mobs of shoppers as they pass in front of as well into and out of the entrance.