LA Fitness Reopens Health Clubs in Arizona and Expects to open more in Georgia

LA Fitness, according to their site and mobile app, has opened up their health fitness clubs in the state of Arizona on May 18, and expect to open other clubs in Georgia on May 22.
According to their site’s gym online location tool, there are 25 gym locations in Arizona and 40 workout facilities in the state of Georgia. It’s through this page that one can clearly see indications that the gyms in Arizona are opened for business and those in Georgia are to open soon.
Today, I called in to one of their clubs in Tuscon, Arizona and asked if, in fact, all of their clubs were open across the state. I was told by the friendly gentleman there that yes, they were all opened.
According to him, the turnout has been “surprisingly steady, but it’s been fairly busy too”. He’d go on to mention how they’re reminding members to adhere to the social distancing rules and how their staff are wiping down the machines vigorously.
I asked whether there was a state requirement for limiting the capacity of attendance. He pointed out how each club was different and how his particular gym was at 182 maximum capacity, whereas normally it would be at “215 and up”.
A look at the postings on their twitter page reveals how it’s a mixed bag. For every person cheering on the reopening of a gym location there’s sure to be another not pleased with the idea at all. Yet, on their facebook page, I found quite a number of folks anxious to return for exercise.
Just a week ago, I reported on 24Hour Fitness’ plans for reopening in the state of Texas. Their approach took a more careful and restrictive route where members’ attendance management was concerned. Going by the way their site talks of the ‘New Health & Safety Measures‘ being used, I’m inclined to think this new methodology would be applied to all of their future openings.
Newly Released Video From The Company:
Mind you, I happen to be a member of both LA Fitness and 24Hour Fitness. Considering LA Fitness’ approach, I can see it working out as long as they do cut down their attendance capacity. Their clubs, which I’ve visited, happen to be pretty large in size with lots of space.
Being a New Yorker and having listened to the Governor’s guidance thus far, I expect him to declare a mandatory cut in capacity. But that’s just my own educated guess. Also keep in mind, he’s yet to even visit this subject. Reopening of businesses in this state has been divisioned up into four phases. We’ve no clue, as of the time of this writing, when he might even consider visiting this subject.
I thought to check out what the related re-opening guidelines might be for Arizona. Sure enough, the Arizona Department of Health Services Guidance page can be found within the website for the Office of the Governor Doug Ducey. You can find that which I found further below.
As for Georgia? Reports out there say that the state’s Governor, Brian Kemp, was following the ‘White House’ ‘Opening Up America Again Guidelines‘ which state the following:
- GYMS can remain open if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols.
Relatedly, within the Governor’s official site is a press release, dated April 20. Therein Mr. Kemp is shown as stating the following:
“Informed by the Coronavirus Task Force and public health officials, ‘Opening Up America Again’ includes three phases to safely reopen and get folks back to work. To initiate Phase One, a state must meet a series of basic criteria, which can be tailored to reflect specific circumstances for a regional or statewide approach. For weeks now, our state has taken targeted action to prevent, detect, and address the spread of coronavirus by leveraging data and advice from health officials in the public and private sectors. Thanks to this methodical approach and the millions of Georgians who have worked diligently to slow the spread of coronavirus, we are on track to meet the gating criteria for Phase One.”
Yours truly will continue to keep an eye for such news. How these gyms go about their re-openings elsewhere within the United States has everything to do with what’s happening here in our City and State of New York. Stay tuned.
Arizona Department of Health Reopening Guidelines for Gyms:
FOR BUSINESSES – The Department of Health Services recommends the following additional steps be taken by gyms:
- Maintain physical distancing, to the extent possible.
- Provide and require employees to wear masks when possible.
- Provide access to soap and water for handwashing or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer at stations around the gym for use by employees and clients. Require employees to regularly wash hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Operate with reduced occupancy and capacity based on the size of the business location with special attention to limiting areas where customers and employees can congregate.
- Wipe any pens, counters, or hard surfaces between use or customer.
- Implement comprehensive sanitation protocols, including sanitizing gym equipment before and after every use.
- Provide disposable disinfectant wipes, cleaner, or spray so patrons can wipe down frequently touched surfaces on gym equipment.
- Implement symptom screening for employees prior to the start of their shift.
- Consider offering cloth face coverings to employees to wear.
- Arrange waiting areas, service areas, and break rooms to provide for appropriate physical distancing and sanitize areas regularly between use.
- Consider posting signs advising customers and employees of expectations and guidance.
- Train all employees in the above safety actions.
- Consider contactless check-ins.
- Consider requiring online bookings for fitness classes and limiting the size of the class to allow for appropriate physical distancing.
- Arrange cardio equipment so that appropriate physical distancing can be adhered to.
- Ensure adequate equipment for patrons to minimize sharing to the extent possible, or limiting use of equipment by one user at a time and cleaning and disinfecting between use.
- Consider limiting gym hours to allow for proper sanitation.
- Implement enhanced sanitation of locker room areas.
- Require employees and patrons to clean out lockers nightly to facilitate overnight deep cleaning processes.
- Consider requiring guests to provide their own towels. If this is not possible and towels must be provided:
- Launder items according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest appropriate water setting and dry items completely.
- Wear disposable gloves when handling used towels from guests.
- Do not shake used towels.
- Clean and disinfect bins that hold used towels according to guidance for disinfecting surfaces.
- After handling used towels: Remove gloves, and wash hands right away.