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HomeColumnKeeping up on Important News Alerts in easy fashion

Keeping up on Important News Alerts in easy fashion

Keeping tabs on Important News Alerts in easy fashion

For years I’ve been making use of a useful and invaluable tool afforded by Google Search. As one can fathom from the name, ‘Google Alerts’, it’s a way of getting email alerts ‘when new results for a topic show up in a Google Search’.
There’s no question that the world can appear at times to be spinning out of control, what with the extraordinary advancements of modern technology and social media. With that in mind, some of us have a need for obtaining alerts on a regular basis whether it be for the sake of keeping an eye on current events, news items or other online appearances of a particular subject/search term. As of the time of this writing yours truly uses this service for the sake of keeping an eye of political goings on in the United States as well as in nations near and far.
It’s a fairly easy process; one which has barely changed since I began using it long ago. Aside from the following instructions, which I’ve copied from Google’s own support page, I’ve also listed below some worthwhile results/links which came up after a search on the subject.
Mind you, one needs to be logged into one’s Google account to make use of it. Thus it’s best if you choose an account (should you, like myself, have multiple ones) you’re most comfortable with &/or which you use most often.
I hope this time saving suggestion helps more folks in consolidating their news searching tasks without worrying about missing out on important news items they care about. In a separate posting we’ll take a look at other sources/ways of for staying abreast of the changing news.

Google’s instructions:

Create an alert

You can get emails when new results for a topic show up in Google Search. For example, you can get info about news, products, or mentions of your name.

Create an alert

  1. Go to Google Alerts.
  2. In the box at the top, enter a topic you want to follow.
  3. To change your settings, click Show options. You can change:
    • How often you get notifications
    • The types of sites you’ll see
    • Your language
    • The part of the world you want info from
    • How many results you want to see
    • What accounts get the alert
  4. Click Create Alert. You’ll get emails whenever we find matching search results.

Edit an alert

  1. Go toGoogle Alerts.
  2. Next to an alert, click Edit.
  3. If you don’t see any options, click Show options.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Click Update Alert.
  6. To change how you get alerts, click Settings  check the options you want and click Save.

Delete an alert

  1. Go to Google Alerts.
  2. Next to the alert you want to remove, click Delete.
  3. Optional: You can also delete an alert by clicking Unsubscribe at the bottom of an alert email.

As promised above, here are some other sources:


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