Governor Cuomo: “Mr. President, Where Do We Go From Here With Covid?”
Today, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo released a letter from the National Governors Association (NGA) asking President Trump for a meeting to discuss how a vaccination program would be conducted and what are the respective roles of the federal and state governments. The letter can be found here and the text is below.
Dear President Trump,
States have been at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19, working tirelessly to protect and care for our residents during this global pandemic. Governors are willing to assist your Administration’s efforts to ensure a national vaccination campaign is implemented smoothly and efficiently. However, additional guidance and clarification is needed on the roles and expectations of states in a successful COVID-19 vaccine distribution and implementation plan.
To that end, as Chair and Vice-Chair of the National Governors Association, we request a meeting with you and your team to discuss what is required to ensure a strong partnership, including but not limited to: the delineation of federal and state responsibilities; the funding needs associated with those responsibilities; and the planned supply chain management and vaccine allocation process.
We look forward to a productive conversation together.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Chair, National Governors Association
Governor Asa Hutchinson, Vice Chair, National Governors Association