Fireworks / Pyrotechnic Gallery
Photos taken over the years
Yours truly has always been a fan of the night sky. From the stars and the moon to all the wonders that existed beyond the view of one’s naked eye. So it might figure that amidst my love for the known and unknown there’d exist as well my fondness for sights of almost equal beauty; for at least some of these are relatively speaking a bit more tangible whereas one’s eyes are concerned.
In retrospect that all sounds paradoxical but it need not necessarily be if one were to use one’s imagination. That’s where pyrotechnics might step in and my love for them. Of course it’s rare to come across someone who doesn’t actually like fireworks, right? Yet, for me it’s not just about witnessing them but capturing them. Recording such sights aren’t all too hard if you know your way around a camera and they’re surely easier to come by than photographing the actual night sky, aye? Lord knows I’ve a long way to go where that’s concerned; that is, shooting the Milky Way, star systems or other celestial items.
So, it’s with all that in mind that I share just a smidgen of the many fireworks photos taken over the years at various events and locales. I hope you’ll enjoy this little bit that I’m sharing.