LGBT PRIDE MARCH Parade – 2015


    Sunday, June 28th 2015
    Step Off: 12 p.m.

    Begins at 36th St. & Fifth Ave.
    Ends at Christopher & Greenwich Streets

    This Year’s Grand Marshalls will be: Sir Derek Jacobi & Sir Ian Mckellen
    as well as Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera & Christopher Neal

    Yours truly participated in the 2014 Pride March and I was amazed at the level of energy and enthusiasm of all those involved.

    The first March was held in 1970 and has since become an annual civil rights demonstration. Over the years its purpose has broadened to include recognition of the fight against AIDS and to remember those we have lost to illness, violence and neglect.

    The March is a celebration of our lives and our community. In 2014, we were joined by over 325 unique marching contingents, representing a vast array of non-profits, community organizations, corporate sponsors, small businesses, political candidates and activists! With over 55 floats making the trek down Fifth Avenue, last year’s March was one of the largest and most exciting in history.