Bridging Boundaries: Redefining Diaspora
Postcrypt Art Gallery, Columbia University
Opening Reception FEB 7, 6:30-9:30
Curated and produced collaboratively between the African Students Association, Postcrypt Art Gallery and Art in FLUX Harlem. Bridging Boundaries: Redefining Diaspora is the fruit of relationships developed between selected Columbia University student artists and mentoring FLUX artists fostering inclusive conversations about racial and cultural identity in the African Diaspora.  This event will engage with Black History Month at Columbia University through programs held in the gallery ranging from spoken word and musical performances to panel discussions, and an artist talk. The exposition presents the narratives of artists working together across diverse mediums, interests, and cultural backgrounds.
Exhibiting FLUX Artists:  Bayeté Ross Smith, Beatrice Lebreton, Bee Walker, Carl Karni-Barn, Ibou Ndoye, Ivan Forde, Leonardo Benzant, Makeba Rainey, Margaret Rose Vendryes, Oluwatoyin Tella
Exhibiting COLUMBIA University Students: Â Aisha Kuforiji, Dakota Ceneta, David Abud, Emma Sulkowicz, Gesiye Souza-Okpofabri, Jeannie Rhyu, Kyara Andrade, Laura Alston, Marcus Hunter, Naima
INFO & PROGRAMMING: 646-340-3479