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Saturday, January 18, 2025

A World on Fire & Climate Change

One of the many results of a world changing for the worse.

What's the Cause?

Some out there will say that climate change has got nothing do with the quantity and degree of wildfires that have consumed millions of acres in the recent past and beyond. They may be right if one were to only consider the notion that humans are the direct or indirect cause of a great percentage of these infernos. Something which, according to one study’s findings, shows how humans were responsible for 84% of all wildfires reported between the years of 1992-2012.

Yet, there’s a good reason why these fires end up turning into mega versions of themselves and becoming more devastating with every passing season. It’s got a great deal to do with climate change and in turn the longer summers, higher temperatures, drier climates and decreasing rainfall; all of which translate into more flammable environments, so to speak.

Mind you, the above mentioned findings pertain to America. The rest of the world isn’t immune to these sorts of problems. Europe has itself experienced considerable increases in the number of forest fires on a year to year basis. With mounting temperatures they’ve seen their wildfire seasons extending beyond what they consider to be the norm in the way of duration and frequency. One need only look at some of the incredible headlines from 2018 to see how even the Arctic Circle has been affected by the world changing transformation brought on by climate change.

Forest Fire – Wikimedia Commons

Climate Change & Wildfires Explained in Less Than Three Minutes

Climate change is making wildfires more extreme. Here’s how:

“Elk Bath” – A wildfire in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana, United States Taken by John McColgan, employed as a fire behavior analyst at the Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Fires of California

2017-18 California Fires

The fires of 2018 appeared as if they’d never let up.

A report by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection shows how four fires since late 2017 rank amongst the top 20 largest fires in California with two of them topping the list.

The Thomas Fire of Ventura & Santa Barbara at the time of its occurrence in December 2017 was the largest in history with 281,893 acres; that is, until it was overtaken by the Mendecino Complex fire of July 2018 which encompassed Colusa County, Lake County,

Mendocino County & Glenn County with 459,123 acres affected. Coming in at seventh place is the Carr fire of July 2018 involving Shasta County, Trinity County. That fire affected 229,651 acres.

For the 16th place on the list would be the Camp Fire of Butte County (otherwise recognized as the Paradise fire). That last fire took place in July 2018 and covered 229,651 acres.

Worthy Mentions


Apparently, in as far as terminology goes, there’s a name for that as well! What? Mega-mega fires, or rather, gigafires. According to Wild Fire Today’s posting, a megafire are the sorts we’ve gotten in California wherein over 100,000 acres have been consumed. In turn, a gigafire takes us to a whole new level with over a million acres being involved. The subject comes up in their bringing to light the 2+ million acres that have burned in Western Australia.

PG&E files for Bankruptcy

Upon facing ruinous lawsuits totaling in the tens of billions of dollars over damages caused in the fires of 2017 & 2018 due to fires started by their equipment &/or power lines the Pacific Gas and Electric Company filed for bankruptcy.

2007 Zaca Fire, near Santa Barbara, California

Where are we going?

Will 2019 go down as worse than 2018? Will the fires spread farther and increase in their devastation? It all remains to be seen. Yet folks need to be reminded of what’s happening. Not merely in our homeland but, as well, far and wide. We’re all sharing this planet for better or worse. So if this page appears a bit sensationalist then good! Maybe that’s what we all need; to be bombarded with what’s happening to Mother Nature. Even if we weren’t able to forestall catastrophe then perhaps more folks would at least take on the responsibility of at least preparing for the future.

More to come

Many more additions to come on this page. Stay tuned!