ZviDance presents the World Premiere of LIKE

    November 8, 2017 – November 11, 2017 all-day
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    219 W 19th Street
    New York, NY 10011
    United States


    presents the World Premiere of


    November 8 – 11, 2017

    at New York Live Arts

    ZviDance presents the World Premiere of LIKE at New York Live Arts (219 W. 19th Street, NYC) from November 8-11, 2017. Performances: Wednesday – Friday at 7:30pm and Saturday at 2:00pm & 7:30pm. Tickets are $25 and are available via New York Live Arts’ Ticket Services: (212) 924-0077or by visiting

    https://newyorklivearts.org/event/like/. There will be a gala celebration on November 8, followed by a reception; gala tickets are $100 and are available at http://www.zvidance.com/tickets/index.html.

    Artistic Director Zvi Gotheiner, in collaboration with eight dancers, composer Scott Killian, Lighting Designer Mark London and Media Designer, Joshua Higgason, will create LIKE, a new evening-length multi-media dance. LIKE is the third in Gotheiner’s trilogy, reflecting on our ever-increasing dependency on technology and how technology is shaping our current models of social interactions. Like both works in the trilogy, ZOOM (2010) and SURVEILLANCE (2014), LIKE will allow audiences to reflect on their own notions of friendships, social belonging, loneliness and social hierarchy, while also interacting with the dancers by utilizing technology. Using their cellphone to “like” (or not), the audience will be invited to participate in a TV reality dance competition, to select a “winner” through a process of elimination. The Audience vote and the total “likes” will be charted and projected on a screen to determine how the dance piece advances.

    Multiple video cameras will star as “performers,” focusing on various dancers and re-sampling these streams live onto various screens. Both performers and audience members will take turns interacting with cameras and computers, weaving themselves into the narrative. The video design will track the progress of the “liking” competition through charts along with pre-recorded collages of news footage (wars, refugees, natural disasters, sport) and real-time interviews.

    The music score will use repetitive patterns to bond the work together and give it a form like a reality show’s Round 1, Round 2, et al. Different sounds including club and meditative music will be integrated with electronically manipulated recording of the dancers and interviews with audience members. During the creative process and research period, the choreographer, together with the dancers, will utilize clips from reality TV and MTV shows and video clips posted on Facebook and Twitter to observe the behavioral and cultural attitudes generated by media.