Flushing, NY 11357

Young Person’s Concert
Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens
Wednesday, January 24, 8:00 pm
Moak Yang Presbyterian Church, 12-25 Clintonville St, Whitestone, NY 11357, (646) 353-6043
The Queensboro Symphony Orchestra will present a Young Persons concert on Wednesday, January 24th as part of a new concert series at Whitestone’s Moakyang Presbyterian Church. Program will include Camille Saint-Saens’ colorful Carnival of the Animals featuring pianist Noi Otomasu. Maestro Dong-hyun Kim will lead the orchestra. No tickets are necessary but a free-will offering will graciously be accepted.
Moakyang Presbyterian Church, 12-25 Clintonville St, Whitestone, NY 11357, (646) 353-6043
Public Transportation: Q15A (15 min. from Flushing Main St.).
Driving: Cross Island Pkwy N to Utopia Pkwy Exit 34, left onto Utopia Pkwy, 1st right onto Cross Island Pkwy, right onto Clintonville St, church on the right just past 12th Rd.
Admission: Free-will offering
Website: www.facebook.com/QueensboroSymphonyOrchestra
Information: (646) 353-6043