You, Dylan Thomas, and Hundreds of Singers!

    You, Dylan Thomas, and Hundreds of Singers!

    Saturday, June 21, 2014


    In honor of the centenary of the birth of Dylan Thomas, hundreds of singers will take over Lower Manhattan on June 21 in a participatory singing event by composer Pete M. Wyer, singing the words of the renowned poet across the landscape of his final days.

    The piece, And Death Shall Have No Dominion — co-presented by LMCC, Poets House, and MMNY as part of the River To River Festival 2014 — is scored for a synchronized headphone choir, and uses an app that contains the accompaniment and synchronizes participants’ mobile devices.

    Anyone can take part — you don’t need to read music or to have sung in a chorus to join!

    For more details, and to sign up, click here.