“Waitin For The G” (Drama) By Max Cohen

    “Waitin For The G” (Drama) By Max Cohen

    September 5 to 14

    Producers’ Club Theaters, 358 West 44th Street.

    As part of the Theater for the New City Sets Its Sixth Dream Up Festival
    Box office: SMARTTIX (212) 868-4444. – Other info: TNC (212) 254-1109.

    What if Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” were to take place in a subway station? This one-act brings Beckett’s play into today’s world, putting into perspective the existential dillemas facing the modern man, modern New Yorker and particularly the modern millenial. It is a fresh perspective that hasn’t been done before.

    Complete info: http://www.jsnyc.com/season/dreamup_2015/waitinft.htm