Virtual Town Hall on COVID-19 Safety and Wellness for Vulnerable LGBTQ Community Members

    New Pride Agenda Hosts Virtual Town Hall on COVID-19 Safety and Wellness for Vulnerable LGBTQ Community Members

    Town Hall #1: COVID-19 Safety & Wellness For Our Most Vulnerable: PLWHA, Seniors, and People Who Use Drugs

    Thursday April 9, 7:00 – 8:15

    Additional upcoming town halls include:

    • Thursday, April 16th (7 PM-8:30 PM EST); Health and Wellness for LGBTQ Vulnerable Communities
    • Thursday, April 23rd (7 PM-8:30 PM EST); Y(our) health, Y(our) Safety. Y(our) Youth

    The NEW Pride Agenda (NPA), which advocates across the State of New York for LBGTQ rights awareness, particularly for the most vulnerable members of the queer community, is hosting a series of virtual town halls.

    The virtual town halls will be held as part of NPA’s Civic Engagement and Public Education Project, in lieu of community programming gatherings. The town halls are designed to inform the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQ community

    Moderated by Doug Wirth, President/CEO Amida Care, NPA Board Co-Chair


    • Dr. Oni Blackstock, Assistant Commissioner for the Bureau of HIV/AIDS, NYC DOHMH
    • Nathalia Gibbs, LGBTQ & Harm Reduction Coordinator, Harm Reduction Coalition
    • Malaya Manacop, Care Coordinator, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
    • David Vincent, Ph.D., Chief Program Officer, SAGE

    To register, visit:

    About NEW Pride Agenda

    The NEW Pride Agenda (NPA) advocates across the State of New York for LGBTQ rights awareness, particularly for the most vulnerable members of the queer community. NPA believes that LGBTQ rights are civil rights and impact the most important aspects of everyday life from housing to employment to health. Working with a diverse network of communities and elected officials, NPA serves to educate members of the LGBTQ community and allies, as well as the general public, about our legal protections and rights.