Time Warner Cable Family Fridays: The X’s and O’s of Tic-Tac-Toe

    May 2, 2014 – May 3, 2014 all-day
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    11 East 26th Street
    New York, NY 10010

    MOMATH - Museum of Mathematics

    The National Museum of Mathematics

    Time Warner Cable Family Fridays: The X’s and O’s of Tic-Tac-Toe

    May 2, 2014

    MoMath invites all math enthusiasts and Tic-Tac-Toe fans ages 9 and up to join Yale professor Nathan Kaplan as he shows us that there is plenty more to learn about your favorite childhood game!

    During this unique workshop, you’ll explore interesting strategies and investigate fascinating unsolved problems. Who knew Tic-Tac-Toe could be this much fun!? Bring your strategic ‘A-Game’ and you’ll have the chance to earn the title of Family Fridays Tic Tac Toe Grand Champion!

    Registration will be open later this month at familyfridays.momath.org.

    Location: National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath), 11 E. 26th Street in Manhattan (between 5th and Madison)