May 3, 2014 – May 4, 2014 all-day
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321 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
New York, NY 10011
The NYC Mayor’s Cup Chess Championships
May 3, 2014
William T. Harris School
The NYC Mayor’s Cup Chess Championships is the only chess tournament in New York City that narrows down the competition to name the “Best in the City.” The tournament, which is open to all NYC students in grades K-12 who are rated 600 or higher by the US Chess Federation, is produced by NYC & Company in partnership with Chess-in-the-Schools.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
All players must check in between 8:30–9:30am
10am: Round 1
11:15am: Round 2
1pm: Round 3
2:15pm: Round 4
3:30pm: Awards Ceremony
PS 11
The William T. Harris School
321 W. 20th Street
(Between 8th and 9th Ave.)