The Hell Gate Bridge Centennial
Monday, October 3 2016
Exhibit at 6:30 pm / Lecture 7:00 pm
Learn more at this official page here…
Building the Hell GAte Bridge with DAVE ‘The Bridge Man’ FRIEDER
Taking place in the G.A.H.S. Lecture Hall.
MONDAY, October 3rd — Exhibit 6:30 P.M. / Lecture 7:00 P.M.
The Hell Gate Bridge is turning 100 years old. We are kicking off a year-long celebration of this remarkable feat of engineering. Dave “the Bridge Man” Frieder will talk about its construction.
Come early to see our new exhibit on this iconic bridge and beloved Astoria monument.
Special guest: Allan Renz, grandson of bridge builder Gustav Lindenthal!
New Exhibit: ‘Building the Hell Gate Bridge – The Photography of Dave Frieder’
Fee: $ 5 (members free)
These programs are supported by public funds from theNYC Department of Cultural Affairs.
Additional support provided by the membership of the Greater Astoria Historical Society.