THE EAST RIVER: THE HEART OF NEW YORK: Lecture on Roosevelt Island

    September 8, 2016 all-day
    Roosevelt Island
    New York, NY 10044

    THE  EAST  RIVER:  THE  HEART  OF  NEW  YORK: Lecture on Roosevelt Island

    Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 pm

    View of East River. Credit to Roosevelt Island Historical Society
    View of East River. Credit to Roosevelt Island Historical Society

    (Roosevelt Island, NY, August 31, 2016) – The Hudson may be the road to the Inland Empire, as the Midwest was once called, but it was on the East River where New York lived and worked. Bob Singleton, Executive Director of the Greater Astoria Historical Society, will cover the waterway that extends from Governors Island to Fort Totten in a lecture at the New York Public Library Branch on Roosevelt Island, on Thursday, September 8 at 6:30 p.m.

    Learn more about the commercial and cultural significance of the river and channel that surround Roosevelt Island and separate Manhattan and Queens. The lecture is sponsored by the Roosevelt Island Historical Society, and supported by The Hudson Companies and Rivercross Tenants Corporation.

    The event is FREE and open to the public. It is the first in a series of fall lectures sponsored by the Roosevelt Island Historical Society.

    DIRECTIONS: Take the Tram at 59th Street and Second Avenue or the F train to Roosevelt Island. Take the red bus (no charge) or walk eight minutes north to 524 Main Street.

    The Roosevelt Island Historical Society promotes awareness of our Island’s unique story and pursues preservation of its landmarks and artifacts. For more information, please visit