The 2018 Gay Pride / LBGT March
Sunday, June 24, 2018
New Yorkled’s covered this event numerous times over the past years and the amount of energy to be found from within the crowds as well as the march itself is phenomenal! Unequaled in comparison to so many other similar events which take place in our great city of New York.
The route for the march has changed in 2018:
In part it will be a reversal of past routes
Here is the actual route with an accompanying map below.
Begins at 16th and 7th Avenue / heads down seventh to Christopher Street / turns east along 8th Street
/ heads north along 5th avenue to 29th street.
Learn more at the official page here…
- Billie Jean King is a sports icon and a champion for social change and equality.
- Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve the full recognition of the civil rights of multiple communities.
- Tyler Ford is an award-winning agender advocate, writer, and speaker.
- Kenita Placide is OutRight Action International’s Caribbean-based Advisor and the Executive Director of the Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE).