November 22, 2015 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
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Museum at Eldridge Street
12 Eldridge St, New York, NY 10002
12 Eldridge St, New York, NY 10002

Tevye’s First Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 22 from
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
FOR FAMILIES At the Museum at Eldridge Street
“”A new tradition for fans of Fiddler on the Roof! The show is back on Broadway and we’re celebrating Tevye’s First Thanksgiving at Eldridge Street. Come make fiddle shaped challah, musical art, and follow a trail of – what else? – lyrical clues, of course. A fun-filled scavenger hunt reveals Eldridge’s own tale of giving thanks, not to mention a turkey (he’s hiding, wouldn’t you?). All this, plus prizes, surprises, and a rousing Fiddler sing-along. Tradition!””
$15 per family.