January 9, 2016 all-day
January 15, 2016; january 16, 2016; january 23, 2016; january 29, 2016; january 30, 2016; february 6, 2016; february 12, 2016; february 13, 2016; february 20, 2016; february 27, 2016; march 4, 2016; march 5, 2016; march 12, 2016; march 18, 2016; march 19, 2016; april 1, 2016; april 2, 2016

Tavern Concerts at Historic Richmond Town
Online tickets are available up until 3pm, two week days before the event. For Saturday and Sunday events, tickets are available online until 3 pm Thursday.
” Unplugged & Authentic
The natural acoustics of the Tavern create an oasis for performers and audiences. It features original seasoned wood that is aged to perfection. The sound is real. The experience is authentic.
Performer, Tavern and you. A perfect combination.”
Look below and click on the respective time(s) to go to the official pages to learn more about that particular performance and obtaining tickets for the performance.
- Friday, Jan. 15 – Tom Cintula
8:00 pm
- Friday, Jan. 29 – Tom Cintula
8:00 pm
- Friday, Feb. 12 – Sly Scott
8:00 pm
- Friday, Mar. 4 – Michael Morreale
8:00 pm
- Friday, Apr. 1 – Glen Cutrona
8:00 pm