Taste of Times Square 2019
Monday, June 3, 2019
5:00 – 9:00 pm
46th St between Broadway & 9th Ave
Free Admission to all. Dishes are available at a cost of about 2 to 6 tickets each with each ticket running at $1. You can see addition information at the official Times Square BID site where they’re displaying sales of 10 ticket bactches. I.E., 10 taste tickets for $10; 20 for $20, 30 for 30 and so on.
You’ll get to taste items from all over the world as well as enjoy music performances and maybe even some dancing!
We’ve been to this festival a couple times long ago and well, it was packed. Thus, it wasn’t for us. But, if dealing with a ton of folks and standing on line for awhile suits you then you’ll get a kick out of this festive outdoor event taking place in the heart of Manhattan.
As we always figure, you should get to enjoy everything in NYC at least once.
Wishing you a great time should you choose to attend! 😉
Have a look at the featured related videos below:
Taste of Times Square 2018
As published by Times Square NYC on Youtube:
Taste of Time Square 2018
Published by Stephen McFadden: