At the New York Society for Ethical Culture
Sunday Meeting – Our Children’s Voices: Empowering the Next Generation of Climate Activism
Sunday, June 25, 2017 – 11:00 am
Location: Ceremonial Hall – 4th floor
Dr. Anne Klaeysen, Leader presides
There is truth and hope in the saying, “a child shall lead us.” Our platform will feature interviews with two families whose children have taken the initiative to engage in climate actions of their choosing with support from their parents and teachers. Sonia Zinkin-Meyer has started a petition calling for a carbon tax and she appears on a Climate March video. Ajani Stella testified with us at the Teacher’s Retirement System Board meeting about divestment and also spoke at the Valentine’s Day divestment rally which he hand delivered 5,000 signatures to the Comptroller’s office with 350NYC.
This week’s shared charity: Our Children’s Trust
Ajani Stella is a 10 year old native New Yorker attending PS 41 in the West Village. He has had the good fortune to see some Earth’s most valuable natural treasures in the rainforests and jungles of Central America, the Amazon, and India as well as the Serengeti in Africa. He is deeply concerned regarding the affect of climate change in these areas and his own NYC. This concern and his love of science has led him to his desire to be an inventor to help affordably address renewable energy sources.
Sonia Zinkin-Meyers is a 6th grader attending NEST+M (New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math) public school. Although she lives in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, Sonia’s family’s close ties to Vermont, and her attending Camp Killooleet in Hancock, Vermont for the past two summers have enabled Sonia to tap into a visceral love of the great outdoors and an appreciation for wildlife and our shared environment. Sonia feels that we have a strong responsibility to protect the environment and create more sustainable solutions and communities. She is eager for all kids to have a voice regarding the importance of protecting our environment for future generations.