At the New York Society for Ethical Culture
Sunday Meeting – John Ankele: The Ethical & Spiritual Dimension of Our Relationship to “Mother Earth”
Sunday, April 23, 2017 – 11:00 am
Location: Ceremonial Hall – 4th floor
John Ankele holds an M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary (’67) and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church. He is a student in the Zen tradition, a teacher of Shambhala Buddhism and has been involved for many years in interfaith dialogue. As a documentary filmmaker, his early subjects included prophet-healers in marginalized communities in Africa, the underground church in China, and the impact of women’s empowerment on health care in India. Twenty-five years ago, John teamed up with co-producing colleague Anne Macksoud to form Old Dog Documentaries ( with a mission to create films that inspire dialogue and action around issues involving social, economic and environmental justice. Their most recent film The Wisdom To Survive – Climate Change, Capitalism and Community is being seen widely in the U.S. and Canada. And John has just finished a short film, One Body One Heart, about how Bob Gunn, a psychotherapist, Jungian scholar, Zen priest and Christian minister is dealing with pancreatic cancer.