Summer on the Hudson: Dance for Seniors

    May 12, 2017 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
    June 9, 2017; july 14, 2017; august 11, 2017; september 8, 2017
    Click to view map
    W 133rd St & Marginal St
    New York, NY 10027

    Summer on the Hudson: Dance for Seniors

    Friday, May 12, 2017
    6:00 – 7:00 pm

    Second Friday of every month through to September

    Dances for a Variable Population master teacher Naomi Goldberg Haas and members of the inter-generational company lead dance workshops for all ages and abilities with a focus on seniors.

    Celebrate moving in strong and creative ways.


    Lawn at 133rd and Marginal Streets in West Harlem Piers

    Learn more at the official page here…

    Hear over as well to the official site for related-speaking ‘Dances for a Variable Population
    Apparently they as well hold other similar events at other locations within New York City at various locales.

    The following was taken directly from their site: Winter/Spring 2017 Free Movement Speaks® in the Bronx, West Harlem: Manhattanville, West Harlem: George Bruce Library, Central Harlem, Queens, Upper West Side, Upper Upper West SideWest Village, Brooklyn