New York, NY 10023
At the NY Society for Ethical Culture
Sunday Meeting – Steven Hassan: Undue Influence in The Digital Age: How to Protect Yourself and Others
Sunday, October 22, 2017 – 11:00 am
2 West 64th Street (at Central Park West)
New York, NY 10023
Ceremonial Hall – 4th floor
Only you should be in control of your mind! To do so, you need to know yourself, know how the mind works, and how to be open to learn and grow but protect yourself from predators and cults. Social Psychology, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, data collection and profiling, covert hypnosis and NLP have ushered in an age of unprecedented capacity to influence billions of people the world over in moments. This talk will build on my two previous talks with a focus on understanding mind control, brainwashing and undue influence with a focus on what we as citizens can do to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and make positive, ethical social change to protect human rights, our freedom of mind and the planet.
Steven Hassan is a licensed mental health counselor who has written on the subject of mind control and how to help people who have been harmed by the experience. He has been helping people exit destructive cults since 1976. He has appeared on the TV news programs 60 Minutes, Nightline, and Dateline, and is a published author and lecturer. Hassan is a former member of the Unification Church, and he founded Ex-Moon Inc. in 1979 before assisting with involuntary deprogrammings in association with the Cult Awareness Network. In 1999 Hassan developed what he describes as non-coercive methods to help members of cults to quit their groups.