New York, NY 10023
Shakespeare in the Park 2017
Featuring Julius Caesar + A Midsummer Night’s Dream
At The Delacorte Theater in Central Park this Summer!
All performances begin at 8:00 pm
Julius Caesar
May 23 – June 18
With the exception of particular days
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Oskar Eustis
Featuring Tina Benko (Calpurnia); Teagle F. Bougere (Casca); Yusef Bulos (Cinna the Poet); Eisa Davis (Decius Brutus); Robert Gilbert (Octavius); Gregg Henry (Caesar); Edward James Hyland (Lepidus, Popilius); Nikki M. James (Portia); Christopher Livingston (Titinius, Cinna); Elizabeth Marvel (Antony); Chris Myers (Flavius, Messala, Ligarius); Marjan Neshat (Metullus Cimber); Corey Stoll (Marcus Brutus); John Douglas Thompson (Caius Cassius); Natalie Woolams-Torres (Marullus); Isabel Arraiza (Publius Clitus); Erick Betancourt; Mayaa Boateng (Soothsayer); Motell Foster (Trebonius); Dash King; Tyler La Marr (Lucillius); Gideon McCarty; Nick Selting (Lucius, Strato); Alexander Shaw (Octavius’ Servant); Michael Thatcher (Cobbler); and Justin Walker White (Pindarus).
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
July 11 – August 13
With the exception of particular days
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Lear deBessonet
Featuring Annaleigh Ashford (Helena); De’Adre Aziza (Hippolyta); Kyle Beltran (Lysander); Vinie Burrows (Fairy); Danny Burstein (Nick Bottom); Austin Durant (Snug); Shalita Grant (Hermia); Alex Hernandez (Demetrius); Jeff Hiller (Francis Flute); Bhavesh Patel (Theseus); Robert Joy (Peter Quince); David Manis (Egeus, Fairy); Patrena Murray (Tom Snout); Kristine Nielsen (Puck); Phylicia Rashad (Titania); and Joe Tapper (Robin Starveling).
Free tickets also are available in the following ways for every public performance, with seating locations in every section of the theater:
Mobile Ticket Lottery Powered by TodayTix
Important Note:
New Yorkled’s Webmaster once got to see the ‘Tempest’ at the Shakespeare Festival within Central Park.
Patrick Stewart had the leading role and it was awesome!
Mind you, even though you definitely need to stand on line for hours to get your free tickets, yours truly never did. We tried once then gave up. BUT, days following our attempt, we happened upon the line to the Delacorte Theater and managed to be the last ones on line and yet, we still got in.
So, you never know!