54 Pearl Street, New York city, NY 10004
At the Fraunces Tavern Museum
Thursday, April 17th – EVENING LECTURE
Revolutionary Medicine: The Founding Fathers & Mothers in Sickness and Health
Presented by Jeanne Abrams
6:30pm (Doors open at 6:00pm)
Free/Museum Members
$10/General admission
Before the advent of modern antibiotics, one’s life could be abruptly shattered by contagion and death. Debility from infectious diseases and epidemics was commonplace for early Americans, regardless of social status. As both victirms of illness and national leaders, the Founders occupied a unique position regarding the development of public health in America; republic ideals fostered a reciporcal connection between individual health and the “health” of the nation. Focusing on founders such as the Washingtons, the Adamses, Franklin, and Jefferson not only provides us with a richer and more nuanced insight into their lives, but also opens a window into the practice of medicine in the 18th century.
Includes Museum admission & light refreshments
**Members: To reserve a seat, please email development[at]frauncestavernmuseum.org