May 18, 2017 – May 21, 2017 all-day
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244 E 52nd St
New York, NY 10022
New York, NY 10022
Perform-A-Thon at the Turtle Bay Music School
May 18-21, 2017
Perform-A-Thon is a music marathon featuring performances by students, faculty members, supporters, and the community at large. Each performer is asked to raise a minimum of $40 in order to participate, with all proceeds going directly to support TBMS’s community music programs. The performer who raises the most will receive a free semester of lessons at TBMS, and all who raise over $100 will receive a new TBMS tote bag! For details and fundraising tips, visit www.tbms.org/performathon.
The Kickoff Concert is free and open to all. TBMS suggests a donation of $20. All performances during Perform-A-Thon weekend are FREE! Each Perform-A-Thon performer is asked to raise a minimum of $40 to support TBMS’s fundraising campaign. Click here for a list of fundraising tips!