Orchard Beach 2018 Fireworks Celebration

    June 28, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
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    Orchard Beach
    Bronx, NY 10464

    New York Salutes America

    The Bronx Celebrates the Birth of our Nation!

    Orchard Beach Fireworks Celebration

    Thursday, June 28, 2018

    In the event of inclement weather,
    the fireworks display will take place on June 29

    Keep in mind that as of this moment on Wednesday afternoon, June 27, the prediction calls for showers up until 6:00 pm for June 28.
    So please keep an eye out for the forecasts. 😉

    Produced by the Bronx Tourism Council

    Fireworks to be shot off of barge on Pelham Bay, off Orchard Beach, Bronx NY

    Beginning at approximately 9:20 pm

    Visit the fireworks calendar on Grucci’s website for verification.

    Also, according to the BronxTimes, there’ll be a “”boardwalk festival that features musical entertainment and a program at 7 p.m. at the beach’s bandstand.””