NYC Summer Streets 2016
Saturdays on August 6, 13 and 20

Yours truly has had the pleasure of participating in the very first of these and what a thrill to have seemingly had so many streets to oneself. Being a photographer there’s nothing like being able to walk right down the middle of a street with camera in hand shooting from angles never before possible; even IF it was merely one single street along Park Avenue. Regardless, it’s something we’ve since attended several times. Alas the numbers of folks participating has grown tremendously at an accelerated rate from year to year. Nevertheless, that shouldn’t keep you from joining in. Below is an excerpt from the official site which you can visit here…
PS…our favorite portion of the traffic-free path would be the Grand Central Terminal encirclement. If you’ve driven down Park Avenue then you may very well be familiar with that tunnel that goes around the terminal. Quite the treat!
Look below this posting to see a quick video taken from within the tunnel found underneath the Helmsley Building. It’s part of the path which encircles Grand Central Terminal. Should give you a good idea of what to expect. 🙂
“”Summer Streets is an annual celebration of New York City’s most valuable public space—our streets. On three consecutive Saturdays in August, nearly seven miles of NYC’s streets are opened for people to play, run, walk and bike. Summer Streets provides space for healthy recreation and encourages New Yorkers to use more sustainable forms of transportation. In 2015, nearly 300,000 people took advantage of the open streets.
Summer Streets is modeled on other events from around the world including Ciclovía in Bogotá, Colombia and the Paris Plage in France and has since inspired other such events around the world such as CicloRecreo Via and London’s Regent Street Summer Streets.
Held between 7:00 am to 1:00 pm, Summer Streets extends from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, along Park Avenue and connecting streets, with easy access from all points in New York City, allowing participants to plan a trip as long or short as they wish. All activities at Summer Streets are free of charge, and designed for people of all ages and ability levels to share the streets respectfully.””