NYC Craft Beer Festival

    March 25, 2016 – March 26, 2016 all-day
    Click to view map
    68 Lexington Ave
    New York, NY 10010

    Beer 02

    NYC Craft Beer Festival

    Friday, March 25th – Saturday, March 26th, 2016

    Lexington Avenue Armory – 69th Regiment
    68 Lexington Avenue

    75 Breweries – 150 Beers, Ciders, & Meads
    The Perfect Balance Of Quantity & Quality
    The Largest Selection Of Seasonal Beers, Ciders & Meads In NYC

    Nearly 75 participating breweries from across the country are each expected to showcase 2 of their finest offerings (about 150 beers total) with a strong emphasis on their Limited Release and Seasonal selections.

    Please visit as well the official site for additional details…