New York Society for Ethical Culture
Sunday Meeting – Dick Hughes: “Learning From the Vietnamese – And Giving”
Sunday, November 12, 2017 – 11:00 am
Ceremonial Hall – 4th floor
2 West 64th Street
Actor (“The Departed”) and activist Dick Hughes recounts his improbable journey from war-torn Vietnam in 1968 through to his most recent October 2016 trip there, reuniting with former “dust of life” Vietnamese street-children he rescued in Saigon/Da Nang, as well as visiting “Agent Orange” victim relief centers and the homes of AO victims that his nonprofit, Loose Cannons, Inc., is presently advocating on behalf of.
Carnegie Mellon/Tech Drama graduate Dick Hughes spent eight years [1968-76] in Viet Nam helping some 2,500 Vietnamese street-children & returned there in 2001, 2007 & 2016 to continue hiseffort to ease the pain of war. Besides theatre, film and TV work his humanitarian work has been profiled in Ralph Edwards “This Is Your Life,” Life, Time, Newsweek, CBS’ “Sunday Morning”; ABC, NBC and CBS evening news shows; The Today Show and The Tomorrow Show, and more. He cofounded the Dispatch News Agency through which Sy Hersh broke the My Lai story and is believed to be one of the last Americans to leave Viet Nam some fifteen months after the American evacuation in April, 1975.