Not My President’s Day Rally in NYC

    February 20, 2017 all-day
    Click to view map
    Central Park West & W 61st St
    New York, NY 10023

    Not My President’s Day Rally in NYC

    February 20, 2017

    61st Street and Central Park West

    The following is from their page over on Facebook:


    “”On Monday, please plan to arrive around 12 p.m. The best way to get to the rally site is public transportation. The 59th Street-Columbus Circle, 66th Street, and 72nd Street stations are all good stops on the 1, 2, 3, A, C, and D lines (the B doesn’t run on the weekend/holiday schedule). You’ll be directed to the rally site from Broadway and W. 65th Street. Go east on W. 66th and then south on Central Park West. The NYPD has been very supportive and helpful as we’ve organized this rally, so please follow their guidance and directions. Once we fill in CPW to W. 64th Street, the police will close W. 65th and bring you in from W. 68th Street.

    Please leave large bags and backpacks at home. All signs and banners should be made from soft materials without sticks or poles. We want to keep everyone safe.

    While there will be some speakers and performers, we realize the size of the crowd will make it difficult to hear the speakers, but that’s OK. We’re counting on your energy to make this peaceful demonstration loud and effective. Make yourself heard!””