New York African Chorus Ensemble to Host Concert Ahead of NYC Multicultural Festival
Saturday, February 25
“The Gathering: A World Music Concert Paying Homage to Our Ancestors” to highlight importance of understanding different cultures and people
On Saturday, February 25 the New York African Chorus Ensemble will host a concert at Our Lady of Lourdes School at 468 W 143rd St. The concert, “The Gathering XI, Part II: A World Music Concert Paying Homage to Our Ancestors,” precedes the group’s annual NYC Multicultural Festival being held this May and June. Various folklore groups, including the Greek American Folklore Society, Roland Sterling and Dominican Carnival, Sompohi Baya GLA, TeekVison and the New York African Chorus Ensemble, will be performing.
Remembering our ancestors will be a forerunner to the theme of this year’s festival, relating to past generations through the art of masks and costumes. “What really pulls at my heart-strings is when I see children dancing and rejoicing to music of cultures that are not their own,” said Joyce Adewumi, President and Founder of the New York African Chorus Ensemble. “It helps me realize the truth behind the unavoidable cliche: we are all one.”
Joyce is committed to using music, visual culture, and the performing arts to bring people of diverse backgrounds together and eliminate racial discrimination and bias. About the New York African Chorus Ensemble
The mission of the New York African Chorus Ensemble is to preserve and promote native African art forms that serve as a continuum to the historical and classical traditions of Africa through performances, publications, research, and training in order to facilitate greater understanding and peaceful coexistence between the people of Africa and the World. Other purposes include providing a conducive venue for an international sharing and exchange of ideas and opportunities for the underserved to take part in or view high quality performances. We Extend the Arts to Underserved Communities