March for Science
April 22, 2017 & other Dates
As of this writing there is still no word as to the exact location for any related march taking place in New York City. Please stay tuned and visit as well the following list of pages:
March for Science – NYC :: Facebook Event Page
Other Event Page
April 22, 2017
March Route
“”According to their page, the route will encompass Central Park West from 72nd St, proceed to Broadway via Columbus Circle, and finish at 52nd St & Broadway. They have been working closely with NYPD to choose a route length that will allow everyone to have enough space, based on how many registered marchers they have. If you haven’t registered, please do so here so we will be able to expand our route if needed, before April 22.””
People’s Climate Movement March in Washington DC
March for Climate, Justice and Jobs
April 29, 2017
March for Science
Washington DC