Laughter in the Park 2015

    July 5, 2015 all-day
    July 12, 2015; july 19, 2015; july 26, 2015; august 1, 2015

    Laughter in the Park 2015

    Taking place on various dates as shown below

    NYC’s Only Free Outdoor Summer Comedy Series

    “Laughter in the Park” (LITP) is a FREE, weekly summer comedy series in NYC parks that seeks, since 2007, to become a cultural staple akin to other annual seasonal music & theatrical productions in New York such as SummerStage and Shakespeare in the Park.

    Visit the official site…

    • Central Park, Miner Springs1534c4ba-d756-403b-8d1f-1e8e3ad81fb9
      Sunday, July 5, 26
      2:00 – 4:00 pm
      Via Central Park West at 67th Street
    • Brooklyn Bridge Park, Granite Prospect
      Sunday, July 19
      2:00 – 4:00 pm
      Enter Old Fulton Street, Bear left to Pier 1
    • Washington Square Park
      Sunday, July 12
      2:00 – 4:00 pm
      East of Fountain at Garibaldi Plaza
    • Summer StreetS, NYC
      Saturday, August 1
      11:30 am – 12:00 pm
      Located at 51st Street and Park Ave.

    Stay up to date on rainday info and other updates by following them on twitter @nylaughs