Joe Chuman – Glorious Visions: An America Beyond Tribalism

    May 13, 2018 all-day
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    2 W 64th St
    New York, NY 10023
    Joe Chuman - Glorious Visions: An America Beyond Tribalism @ New York | New York | United States

    At the NY Society for Ethical Culture

    Sunday Meeting – Joe Chuman – Glorious Visions: An America Beyond Tribalism

    Sunday, May 13, 2018 – 11:00 am

    Location: Ceremonial Hall – 4th floor

    Admission: Free

    American society is arguably more divided than at any time since the Civil War. Added to divisions of race, class, and ethnicity is group loyalty on the basis of political ideology and opinion. It is a new and strident form of tribalism. Not only are people who disagree allegedly mistaken; they have become enemies.

    The survival of America and its democracy are seriously threatened. Ways must be found to get us beyond this fierce tribalism and weaken the loyalties that fuel it–a complex problem, to be sure. The solution needs to start with a vision. We need a revitalized vision of democracy.

    This week’s shared charity is Mothers Against Gun Violence, which demands action from legislators – state and federal – companies, and educational institutions to establish common-sense gun reforms.

    Presider: Larry Hurst