65 Jumel Terrace, New York, NY 10032

Jazzfest Weekend At Morris-Jumel Mansion
Saturday, August 15th & Sunday, 16th
2:00 – 6:00 pm
Classic Jazz in the Great Outdoors
Morris-Jumel Mansion, 65 Jumel Terrace (between West 160th & 162nd Streets)
Free to all!
New York, NY (8/7/15): On Saturday and Sunday, August 15th and 16th, unfold your lawn chair, unpack the picnic basket, and settle in for two sunny afternoons of classic jazz. It’s Jazzfest Weekend, Morris-Jumel Mansion’s annual outdoor celebration of America’s most original art form. Brought to you by jazz legend Marjorie Eliot and Parlor Entertainment, Jazzfest Weekend will have you tapping your toe, nodding your head, and feeling, for a few hours at least, fancy free. The jazz kicks off each day at 2 p.m. and lasts till 6. Attendance is free, and no registration is required. For more information, call 212-923-8008 or email [email protected].
About Morris-Jumel Mansion
At 250 year’s old, Morris-Jumel Mansion is Manhattan’s oldest house. Built in 1765 by British Army Colonel Roger Morris, the Mansion served as headquarters to General George Washington during the 1776 battle of New York and was for 50 years the residence of the Eliza Jumel, one of America’s richest women and second wife to Vice President Aaron Burr. Today, Morris-Jumel Mansion is a not-for-profit museum, welcoming each year tens of thousands of international and local visitors, including, nearly daily, elementary- and high school-aged children. Committed to preserving, interpreting, and making relevant to diverse audiences the Mansion’s illustrious past and varied collection of period art and furnishings, Morris-Jumel is a member of the Historic House Trust of New York City and the American Alliance of Museums.
The Mansion is located at 65 Jumel Terrace, New York, NY, and is open to the public Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 212-923-8008 or visit morrisjumel.org.
About Marjorie Eliot
Every Sunday afternoon, writer, performer and impresario Marjorie Eliot hosts in her 555 Edgecombe apartment Parlor Jazz—a free, two-hour concert that for nearly two decades has attracted musicians, jazz lovers and interested passerby. A central figure in helping preserve and continue Sugar Hill’s lustrous jazz legacy, Marjorie is the founder of Parlor Entertainment, an all-star jazz collective that plays concerts city-wide.