J.P. Morgan Tournament of Champions at Grand Central Terminal

    January 16, 2015 – January 23, 2015 all-day
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    Grand Central Terminal
    87 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017

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    J.P. Morgan Tournament of Champions

    At Grand Central Terminal’s Vanderbilt Hall

    January 16-23, 2015

    The 18th annual J.P.  Morgan  Tournament of Champions (ToC) slams into Grand Central Terminal from January 16-­23, bringing together the world’s best professional squash players for an exhilarating week of international competition and live spectator events. Encased in a new state-of-the-art glass squash court under the iconic Vanderbilt Hall chandeliers, players compete surrounded by stadium seating for 500 and a free standing-room area for commuters and passersby tempted to catch a later train. The brand-new, LED­-enabled court can show spectators everything from replay and video review to a break timer between games. Drawing a crowd of more than 200,000,  ToC is the largest squash spectator event in the world and the only world-­class sporting event held annually in Grand Central Terminal.

    More information and tickets can be found at http://www.tocsquash.com.