“Inch By Inch” (Drama) By Rachel Graf Evans

    “Inch By Inch” (Drama) By Rachel Graf Evans

    September 13 to 19

    Producers’ Club Theaters, 358 West 44th Street.

    As part of the Theater for the New City Sets Its Sixth Dream Up Festival
    Box office: SMARTTIX (212) 868-4444. – Other info: TNC (212) 254-1109.

    When Bridget and Tom return to Bridget’s hometown for her mother’s funeral, Bridget learns that she has inherited the house and vegetable garden. However, only once she reconciles her deep-seated fears about family and identity will the garden let her escape. It is a fantastical and mystical element, and comes to represent the Mother, both biological and Earth. The piece explores the tensions between childhood home and adult home, and the question of where we fit in once we’ve grown up. The show also explores LGBTQ issues, with Bridget’s struggle stemming from a discomfort in her own skin.

    Complete info: http://www.jsnyc.com/season/dreamup_2015/inchbyit.htm